Instant regret.

Ever had an instant regret?

You have been meaning to do something or say something to someone for quiet a long time. You give it so much thought that you keep procrastinating it excessively and incessantly. It could be an unseen fear of failure or just lethargic behaviour that stops you from taking that leap.

Then one fine day, one fine hour, you magically gather some unseen courage out of nowhere to go ahead and do the task or spill out those chained thoughts off your mind.

At that very point of time, you have no consideration of the consequences or of the manner of response it is going to fetch you. You’re in that zeal of an hormonal rush, adrenaline to be precise, you just take off and do it.

Two things can happen.

1. You win

2. You learn

You either achieve every iota of result that you’ve thought of positively and that makes you confident and content.

Or, you learn from your mistake and make appropriate corrections, take a note of precautions that you may have to take the next time you repeat such a task. And this my friend, has to make you stronger, a little more confident than you are when you win, a much better person than you were before, and wiser.

Although, there’s an unstoppable instant regret that the mind incurs. As much as you were strong willed to take up that task, you are vigorous enough to shove that regret off your head and beat it down. Nothing is as powerful as the mind is, for it is capable of turning the impossible into possible.

Yes, there is no failure, only learning. The very experience of knowing and realising what your wrongdoings are, is your major source of strength and your strong suit.

This might be a little inclined towards unreal optimism, but in the hindsight, it opens your mind to a huge chunk of yourself that you didn’t know existed all this while.

Go ahead, take that road which you fear the most.

Stronger, the better! ✌️

Published by Hamsa

I blog when I think my brain can't handle the thoughts any more :)

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