Are you a good friend?

It’s the lockdown era. The tough times no one had ever imagined they’d have to live through. But here we are, counting the quarantine days and sighing ourselves into the coming days, whether or not we like it.

With all the social distancing norms in place, it’s absolutely hard for people who’ve never been on house arrests, stay-at-home days etc to cope with the ongoing social interaction crisis. Yeah, I’m one of them too 😀

That brings me to the question of friendships and relationships during this tough distancing days. As much as we’re strictly forbidden to have hangouts and meet ups, we certainly do have the liberty of digital interactions to its fullest extent. And not so surprisingly, people are now beginning to judge a friend or an acquaintance based on whether or not they’re keeping in touch with you on a regular basis.

Isn’t that a little too mindless and harsh? I bumped into a few memes made on the same lines. One of them went like “If you’re not checking in on me during lockdown, you ain’t even my friend”. A friend hasn’t checked on you doesn’t make them any less of a friend. Maybe they’ve got their priorities set right. Maybe they’ve been going through tough times on their own. Or maybe they just thought the same thing about you , that you’re gonna check on them?

All you need to do is stop being self centered and stop making everything about yourself. It’s only foolishness to evaluate a good friendship based on situations like these which aren’t in favour for anybody. How reasonable is it for one to make conclusions during such unforeseen circumstances. Totally Not.

So, go ahead, and call, text, email that friend, make plans well ahead of time for there are best days yet to come and memories worth cherishing yet to be made. Keep that vibe going, even if you aren’t physically together.

To Buds and BFFs ❤️

Published by Hamsa

I blog when I think my brain can't handle the thoughts any more :)

2 thoughts on “Are you a good friend?

  1. “If you’re not checking in on me during lockdown, you ain’t even my friend”. Sounds pretty demanding. Or needy. I agree with you that if a friend hasn’t checked on you doesn’t make them any less of a friend. Some people are more social than others. I don’t expect anyone to check on me For me, true friendship does not require this.

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